Flutter Windows Desktop Image Download Tutorial Series
New easy Flutter tutorial series shows how to download network images and save the images to the pictures directory on Windows. This is good for Flutter beginners. It uses path_provider, so you can save images to the Documents section of Mac, Android, iOS with a small modification.
Flutter Image Download and Save to Windows Pictures Tutorial
The tutorial is built with Flutter 2.2, Dart 2.12, sound null-safety, provider 5 for state management and http for network connection.
Images are pulled from a free image server, Lorem Picsum. Additionally, if you have a 360 camera that complies to the Google Open Spherical Camera (OSC) specification, you can replace Lorem Picsum with a physical camera in an upcoming tutorial in the series.
Full code on GitHub is available for the completed application in the description of the playlist.
Videos and learning concepts
Feedback and advice are welcome. I am trying to increase use of Flutter and advocate for it to make my work easier. My actual work involves testing camera and image APIs. I'd ideally like to build Flutter tutorials instead of having to deal with iOS and Android separately. As part of my general long term strategy, I am trying to help increase interest and experience with basic Flutter image management. This tutorial series is specifically designed to be used without any special hardware. You do not need a camera to go through the series as we use a public image server.